Though reincarnation and afterlife has many believers, there are still a majority of us who look at it with scepticism. But we have literature to prove otherwise and it is hard to ignore it. Here are some books that tell us what really happens to a soul after we die.

This iconic book was an international bestseller. In the book, Dr. Brian Weiss, a psychiatrist and hypnotherapist, tells the true tale of one of his patients. He was attempting to find the root of her problem in her past and he put her into a state of hypnosis and questioned her. He didn’t anticipate that her problem would be in a past life and she shocked him by narrating incidents from her past lives. After he realises she’s speaking the truth the magic begins. Their sessions are filled with narrations of her past lives and how knowledge of the world beyond brought added depth to their lives and helped them grow in every way.

This book brings us messages from the world beyond through a medium. The author was a mother who lost her sons early to an accident and that loss affected her deeply. Determined to speak to them again she learnt how to communicate beyond and managed to speak to them again. They told her about life after death and asked her to spread what she knew so others could learn to live better lives. So she wrote about what they said in a series of books that are now out of print. This edition contains the most important lessons they passed on.   READ MORE

Michael Newton is also a hypnotherapist who was converted into believing about past lives as his patients started describing their past lives when hypnotised. Though he was initially skeptical, he couldn’t deny that everything they told him fit in historically and with other’s tales. He not only learnt about his patients’ past lives while they were hypnotised but also of the ‘life between lives’, the place a soul goes when not in a body on this Earth. His book is a fascinating look into the journey one’s spirit takes across lifetimes.  READ MORE

The author, Dorothy Jane Roberts, claimed to be a psychic who could call a spirit. The spirit or ‘energy personality’ was called Seth and the book is a compilation of what all he has told her. The first few chapters came through a Ouija board but she learnt to channel him and would dictate his words as her husband wrote. Most of what Seth describes about the universe is similar to what is said in most Eastern philosophies.  READ MORE

This book is an interesting spin on reincarnation, telling of cases where the author found that people with some memories of their past life/lives might have some evidence of that life on their body. For example, a child with a deformed hand remembered being a man whose hand was cut off. The book might not be for the easily disgusted but it provides fascinating insight into how past lives can affect one physically.  READ MORE

The heartrending and beautiful story of a mother who lost a child in a fatal accident, only to have him reach out from beyond the divide of death to communicate with her once again. He introduces her to his spirits guru, the famous Meher Baba, and the book tells of this heartrending spiritual journey they both went through. This book was originally self-published but became easily available as it’s popularity grew. It has two sequels. READ MORE

This book is a definitive look at the teachings of many philosophies. It explains many spiritual and ‘new age’ topics in an approachable and easy to read way. This fat book covers a lot of material and has good explanations for those who are more familiar with traditional western philosophy.  READ MORE

This is the first of a series of books where the author writes about his conversations with God. The author was at an abysmal point in life, asking God about why his life was going in such a way. However, he felt he heard an answer and he noted it down. Thus his ‘conversation’ began. He has written several books on his dialogue with God, where God explains how the universe works. There are even versions for children or teenagers available which make the lessons better comprehendable for their age group.  READ MORE

There are numerous other books written on reincarnation which can be found in our BOOKS category.

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