By now you’ve probably seen multiple posts of celebrity photos paired up with their possible past lives. Many of them share a striking resemblance and it does make one wonder “what if “.
Although it could just be coincidental, there is a possibility that those shown in the photos could in fact be a past life of theirs. We’ve listed the ones that we think deserve a second look.
Bruce Willis and WWII General Douglas MacArthur
Conan O’Brien and Marshall Henry Twitchell
Jennifer Lawrence and Egyptian Actress Zubaida Tharwat
Leonardo DiCaprio and Judy Zipper
Alec Baldwin and President Millard Fillmore
Justin Timberlake and this criminal from the past.
Christina Aguilera and Ginger Rogers
Rasputin and Christian Bale
Jimmy Fallon and Mahir Cayan
Nicolas Cage and This Civil War Era Man
Zach Galifianakis and Louis Vuitton
Peter Dinklage and the 1645 Diego Velasquez’s ‘Portrait of Sebastián de Morra’