On Friday, March 24, 2000 I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Peter Weissbach, who was subhosting for Art Bell’s “Coast To Coast AM” Network Radio Show.

Prior to the show I discussed my Akashic Record scan technique and how it revealed Art’s past life in Atlantis approximately 50,000 B.C as a geophysicist/quantum physicist named Drako (See a separate particular on this website). This was also reported in the July 1999 issue of Art’s Newsletter After Dark on page 11. I am a contributing writer to After Dark and regularly submit articles.

Peter requested I repeat this technique and uncover one of his past lives. I agreed and used my Access the Akashic Records self-hypnosis tape at approximately 7:00 p.m. on March 24. It was very difficult to ascertain the data, but here is a summary of what I reported:

Peter was a member of the British House of Commons named Frederick Rash (Rashe or Rasch). These three spellings of his last names flashed before my eyes. The years 1904, 1905 and 1906 also appeared. Peter, as Frederick, was around 50 years old and very ill with a flu. He couldn’t go to the House of Commons and was very angry at missing these sessions. He obsessed with being there, but was unable to leave his residence. Strangely enough when he finally did return to work, two of his colleagues commented on seeing him on the day he was ill and noticing him seated in the wrong chair. When they separately inquired as to his health (he appeared rather pale), Rasch didn’t acknowledge their presence. My assumption was that Rasch sent his astral body to the House of Commons due to his obsessive thoughts about missing these sessions. I discuss this phenomenon of bilocation in my book Astral Voyages (Llewellyn).

I deduced this was not a teleportation (the physical body actually traveling from one location to another), since Rasch did not respond to his colleagues. Teleporters easily converse with others, whereas most bilocaters do not.

Being swamped with calls, E-mails and faxes, I didn’t have a chance to research this life until Monday, March 27. I found a listing in Whitaker’s Almanac (London) from 1905 confirming that a F. C. Rasch was indeed a member of the British House of Commons.

One of Art’s listeners informed me on Monday, March 27 that he read an article about Rasch in the Whig Standard Magazine of Kingston, Ontario, Canada (ironically, Peter is originally from Canada). He gave me the date of the publication (12/15/90) and I called the magazine requesting a copy of the article. They faxed me a copy and it confirmed the fact that Sir Fredrick Carne Rasch, a Unionist Member of Parliament representing the Chelmsford Division of Mid-Essex since 1900 had indeed become ill with the flu and was noticed by three members of the House of Commons (I stated two).

This case was reported originally in London’s Daily News on May 17 and May 18, 1905. There is no way I could have known these facts. According to the Whig Standard report Rasch’s astral body was not seated in his usual place and no other person (other than three colleagues) observed Rasch.

The three witnesses were Sir Gilbert Parker, Sir Arthur Hayter and Sir Cambell-Bannerman (who was elected Prime Minister later in 1905). It isn’t often that I document a case of reincarnation, but this is the first time I had one corroborated on the air. My CBS movie Search for Grace was based on an independently documented case of reincarnation in Buffalo, New York and was presented in my second book The Search for Grace (republished by Llewellyn in 1997). Try my Access the Akashic Records tape and do this yourself.

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