Valeria Lukyanova says that she remembers the time of Atlantis and recalls her life as the “famous medium” Maria Orsic

Left: Valeria Lukyanova Right: Maria Orsic
The controversial human barbie Valeria Lukyanova made a bizarre claim last week about being an expert on out-of-the-body spiritual experience. In an exclusive with Meaww, the Ukranian model made an even more baffling claim — that she is the reincarnation of a famous medium named Maria Orsic.
Maria Orsic was a beautiful woman who manipulated Hitler to believe in the superiority of the Aryan race. Maria was born in 1895 in Vienna and grew up in pre-World War I. She later became the leader of the Vril Society, a much-debated institution surrounded by conspiracy theories believing in a superior master race and an energy called ‘Vril.’ The Vril Society features in the novel ‘The Coming Race’ by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, which was first published anonymously in 1871. Some theosophists, notably Helena Blavatsky, William Scott-Elliot, and Rudolf Steiner, accepted the book as based on occult truth.
In a lesser- Barbie world Valeria goes by the spiritual name of ‘Amatue,’ which means the ‘goddess of light,’ translated from the language of ancient Atlantis, according to her. She chose this name because her existence hails from the time of Atlantis, she says. “I do not hide that I lived at the time when there was Atlantis. I remember everything from there,” says Valeria adding that the ancient memory came to her when she was meditating.
She elaborates that she has jotted down the memories of her past life in a book she wrote in 2013 titled ‘Echo from the Past.’ She claims that in her past life she was a “famous medium.”
“My name was Maria Orsic,” she says. Valeria says that like Maria, she believes that people from a far away galaxy came to earth to create an advanced race of people, which according to Maria were the ‘Aryans.’ Since childhood she felt like she did not belong in this world, she says. “It was very hard for me to adapt to people. I did not see anything in common between their values and mine,” she says labeling the “other people” as “superficial” and calling her behavior to be “too complicated and incomprehensible.”

Left: Valeria Lukyanova Right: Maria Orsic
Valeria has authored a couple of books including topics such as “karmic couple,” magicians and her spiritual quest. She has launched a book on her recently controversial Astral journey, which she has penned like her personal diary. Later this year, she will be releasing another book titled ‘Atlantis,’ she says.
Valeria can be addressed as one of the first who came across as a real-life Barbie on the Internet. With her straight blonde hair, large blue eyes and impossibly thin waistline, the world was baffled to see her pictures immediately after she won a beauty pageant ‘Miss Diamond Crown of the World,’ in 2007. Many dismissed her pictures and videos to be photoshopped until it turned out, it wasn’t.
“My appearance is that of an alien. It’s extraterrestrial, but this does not have any relation to any dolls,” says Valeria. She believes that she has been labeled a human doll by people who want to discredit her spiritual significance.